I’ve been completely obsessed with YouTube travel channels for several years now. In fact, when I’m not working or writing for my blog, I’m spending my free time seeking out new travel YouTubers to follow.
Since I dedicate so much time to this hobby, I feel highly qualified to share with you some of the best travel Youtubers on the platform today.
Admittedly, I’m not attempting to define what “best” means when it comes to travel Youtubers, I’m simply sharing with you my personal favorites.
Now that we’re all not traveling and spending a significant amount of our time at home, I’ve figured there was no better time than the present to put this post together for you.
I hope you enjoy.

My criteria for selecting the best travel Youtubers
Before we get into my top 10 Best Travel Youtubers of 2023, I want to share with you the critieria I used for selecting my personal top 10.
Like everyone else, there are certain qualities I enjoy when watching travel Youtubers and certain qualities that annoy me. And obviously, I do my best to avoid the ones that annoy me.
Here are the primary factors and questions I asked myself when putting this list together:
In addition to the above criteria, I also have a low tolerance for certain qualities often found on Youtube channels. I do my best to avoid channels that include the following:
What’s described above are the factors I used to select these 10 Best Travel Youtubers in 2020. You may have different criteria, but at least you know where I’m coming from.
I’m hoping the use of the criteria I identified has resulted in a list that showcases high quality channels, with interesting people, doing interesting things in a positive way.
Without further ado, and in no particular order, here are my favorites.
10 Best Travel YouTubers of 2023
1. Wolters World
Wolters World is a fairly recent discovery for me, but has quickly become one of my favorites.
The channel is run by Mark and Jocelyn, a husband and wife couple from the United States traveling the world part-time.
Wolters World features down to earth vidoes giving you the top Do’s and Don’ts for each country. They also have a series about Love’s and Hate’s that I particularly enjoy.
Each of their videos is filled with honest and practical travel tips that will help those visiting a country for the first time.
What I love most about Wolters World is that there’s no fluff. They give you straight talk and get right to the point, creating true no BS travel vlogs.
If you want unique and down to earth travel tips, head over to Wolter’s World.
Best travel YouTubers #1: Wolter’s World
2. Kara and Nate
Kara and Nate have become the most popular and likeable travel influencers on YouTube. They consistently post unique, high quality content which has earned them well over a million subscribers.
Kara and Nate became full time travel vloggers when they left their home in Nashville back in 2016. Their original goal was to take a year off to travel the world before resuming their lives back home.
This eventually led them to the goal of traveling to 100 countries by the year 2020, which they recently accomplished. As I’m sure you’ve guessed, they are still traveling.
What I love most about Kara and Nate are two things. First, they have mastered the art of storytelling.
Through Kara’s quality editing skills, the viewer feels like they are tagging along as Kara and Nate enjoy the street food of Jerusalem or see whales for the first time in Antarctica.
A Kara and Nate video makes you feel like you’re there with them experiencing these same things for the first time.
Second, Kara and Nate are the least annoying travel vlogger couple on YouTube. If there was an award for this, they’d win it every time.
No one wants to watch a couple bicker and argue on camera, or one be condescending to the other. Kara and Nate never do this and as a viewer, I am infinitely grateful.
So what are you waiting for, go check out their massive catalog of travel videos. This is also the perfect channel to start with from the beginning.
Best travel YouTubers #2: Kara and Nate
3. Be My Travel Muse
The Be My Travel Muse YouTube channel is run by Kristin Addis. She also owns the extremely popular travel blog of the same name.
While her YouTube channel is relatively new, Be My Travel Muse has quickly become one of my favorite travel channels on YouTube.
I would describe Be My Travel Muse as an outdoorsy adventure travel channel. The viewer gets to tag along on solo trips with Kristin hiking in Patagonia and swimming with Humpback whales in French Polynesia.
Sprinkled in with her travel videos you’ll also find content on meditation, chakras, and natural travel products.
What I love most about the Be My Travel Muse channel is that it’s consistently down to earth and authentic. You’ll get both the good and the bad.
If something sucks, she’ll tell you about it. If she’s frustrated, she’ll tell you about it.
Her trips are pretty awesome though, so her videos are fun to watch.
Even better, Kristin also seems to enjoy one of my own favorite pastimes, avoiding crowds. She shares great tips and advice for how to get the perfect photos without other people in them.
If you like adventure travel in unique destinations, this channel is for you.
Best travel YouTubers #3: Be My Travel Muse
4. Hey Nadine
Nadine Sykora of Hey Nadine is one of the original travel YouTubers and has been creating content on the platform for over a decade.
Nadine’s videos cover everything from solo travel, adventure travel, travel tips, and packing guides. She produces high quality videos with useful, practical information, all with a dash of humor.
What I love most about Hey Nadine is that she provides insight into affordable travel options that are within most people’s budget and realm of possibility.
She’s not strictly a budget traveler per se, but she makes practical travel choices and isn’t a show off.
Yes, I’m sure she has the occasional splurge, we all do. But this isn’t one of those channels featuring luxury stays at the Shangri La and a Louis Vuitton bag placed casually in all the shots. (You know the ones.)
Hey Nadine is realistic, lighthearted and fun, and utterly refreshing.
Best travel YouTubers #4: Hey Nadine
5. Kristen and Siya
Kristen and Siya are a travel couple from Canada. They used to travel the world full time and even spent some time living in a van.
More recently, they have returned to Canada, had a baby, and bought a house with some friends. Not to worry though, they will continue to travel part time and share their adventures on YouTube.
I first began watching Kristen’s videos on her Hopscotch the Globe channel, which has since turned into what is currently named Kristen and Siya.
The content is the same, with the obvious addition of her husband Siya, who is fortunately just as likeable.
What I love most about Kristen and Siya are two things. First, their personalities. You can tell they are super fun to be around and that they are genuinely nice people.
Second, much of their content incorporates planet conscious living and travel choices.
They are constantly thinking of how their actions will impact the planet. They provide tons of tips and ideas on how to minimize one’s footprint both at home and when traveling abroad.
They also do it in a way that isn’t condescening or intended to shame you. They simply provide good information if you care to use it.
Best travel YouTubers #5: Kristen and Siya
6. Girl vs. Globe
Girl vs. Globe is a travel channel run by Sabina, a part time globetrotter born in the Czech Republic and currently residing in Scotland. She also runs one of the top travel blogs which goes by the same name.
Sabina started blogging and creating YouTube travel videos back in 2014. Since that time she has created fun and engaging travel content from around the world.
Her content primariy focuses on Europe, but she has content from other regions of the world as well, including one of my favorite video’s above from her trip to New York City.
Girl vs. Globe has also recently launched a new interview series called Womankind where Sabina interviews inspiring women from around the world about topics such as kindness, self love, and what it means to be a woman in the world today.
What I love most about Girl vs. Globe is that Sabina is so happy and full of energy in her videos. Her enthusiasm for each new destination immediately makes you wish you were there to experience the new destination with her.
Best travel YouTubers #6: Girl vs. Globe
7. Sorelle Amore
Sorelle Amore isn’t technically a travel youtuber. She’s more of a photographer and digital nomad who just so happens to travel a lot and creates incredible YouTube travel videos in the process.
Sorelle primarily focuses on photograhy and has an incredibly user friendly set of videos that teach viewers how to take beautiful photographs of themselves with tips on posing, scene selection, equipment, and even editing.
She’s uniquely talented in capturing stunning photographs of herself as she travels to beautiful places around the world.
What I love most about Sorelle Amore (besides looking at her stunning photographs), is that she keeps it real.
She shares her struggles and mistakes candidly as she works through challenges and disappointments in her personal life and career. It’s admirable and much appreciated that she’s willing to share the lows as well as the highs.
Best Travel YouTubers #7: Sorelle Amore
8. Luke Life Charms
Luke Life Charms is a Youtube travel channel run by a European professional basketball player turned world traveler.
His content focuses primarily on Southeast Asia and Europe. Luke Life Charm’s travel videos are filmed with a casual, laid back style as he explores each new city on foot, motorbike, tuk tuk, train, you name it.
I’ve been enjoying his Southeast Asia content most lately since this is a region of the world I’ve not yet visited. I love tagging along as he hikes to waterfalls, motorbikes around big cities, and samples adventurous street food in local markets.
What I love most about Luke Life Charms is his super positive happy go lucky attitude. No matter what happens on his adventures, he’s always got a positive outlook. You can see people are drawn to him by all the people that stop to speak with him as he walks by.
In short, Luke Life Charms will inspire you to visit destinations you’ve never considered before, all while putting a big smile on your face.
Best Travel YouTubers #8: Luke Life Charms
9. Vagabrothers
The Vagabrothers, as the name suggests, is made up of two brothers Alex and Marko. They travel the world part time making high quality and highly entertaining travel content.
Like many others on this list, the Vagabrothers have mastered the art of editing and storytelling, as a result their travel videos and engaging and some of the best I’ve seen on the platform.
What I love most about the Vagabrothers is their selection of travel destinations. They choose interesting, less popular destinations to visit, giving the viewer a unique perspective on a location they might not have considered visiting otherwise.
I also love that Alex and Marko are clearly quite different individuals, with different interests and thus different perspectives on the destinations they visit. It’s interesting to hear their thoughts on a destination from their differing perspectives.
Best Travel YouTubers #9: Vagabrothers
10. Rick Steves Europe
Yeah, I said it. I’m calling Rick Steves a travel YouTuber. In fact, I think of him as one of the original travel YouTubers, or at least travel vloggers. He’s also damn good at it.
And to be fair, he also now has a YouTube channel.
Rick Steves has been creating travel content in the form of guide books and videos since the 1970s. He’s one of the most respected authorities on European travel and creates in depth and insightful videos of the most popular cities and towns across Europe.
At the same time, he also encourages tourists to explore outside the major tourist zones and to experience Europe like a local.
By highlighting cultural activities and artistic events travelers will be left with inspiring and unique stories to share with friends back home.
What I love most about Rick Steves is that he not only tells you where to go, but he tells you why you should go there.
By incorporating relevant information about each destination, he inspires you to want to see these places for yourself. At the same time, he instills a deeper appreciation for the places you’ll visit.
Best Travel YouTubers #10: Rick Steves Europe
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post about the my favorite picks for the best travel youtubers in 2020 and that their videos will help inspire you to select a truly unique destination for your next trip. If you enjoyed reading this post please consider sharing. It really helps me a lot. Thanks for reading.
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Eden Fite
Solo Traveler | Dog Lover | Avoider of CrowdsI help busy people find creative ways to travel more.